Source code for kedro_partitioned.utils.string

"""Utils for string manipulation."""
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath, PurePath, PurePosixPath, WindowsPath
from typing import Any
from upath import UPath as _UPath

[docs]class UPath(_UPath): """An universal Path that doesn't return WindowsPaths. if a Windows was returned by UPath, it converts to a PurePosixPath because Kedro always use PosixPath by default. Args: *args (str): Paths to be parsed and joined (if multiple). Example: >>> UPath('C:/Users/user/Desktop/file.txt') PurePosixPath('C:/Users/user/Desktop/file.txt') >>> UPath('') HTTPPath('') >>> UPath('a/b/c', 'd') PurePosixPath('a/b/c/d') >>> UPath('s3://test_bucket/file.txt') S3Path('s3://test_bucket/file.txt') """ def __new__(cls, path: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> PurePath: """Create a new UPath object. Args: path (str): The path to be converted. Returns: PurePath: The converted path. """ path = super().__new__(cls, path, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(path, WindowsPath): if path.is_absolute(): parts = drive, parts = parts[0], (parts[1:] if len(parts) > 1 else []) drive = drive.strip('\\') return PurePosixPath(drive, *parts) else: return PurePosixPath(path) elif isinstance(path, PosixPath): return PurePosixPath(path) else: return path
def get_filepath_extension(filepath: str) -> str: """Returns the file extension given a filepath. Args: filepath (str) Returns: str Example: >>> get_filepath_extension('a.txt') '.txt' >>> get_filepath_extension('.gitignore') '' >>> get_filepath_extension('a/.gitignore') '' >>> get_filepath_extension('path/to.file/file.extension') '.extension' """ return Path(filepath).suffix def get_filepath_without_extension(filepath: str) -> str: """Returns the same filepath without extension. Args: filepath (str) Returns: str Example: >>> get_filepath_without_extension('/home/a.txt') '/home/a' >>> get_filepath_without_extension('a.txt') 'a' >>> get_filepath_without_extension('a/.gitignore') 'a/.gitignore' """ ext = get_filepath_extension(filepath) if ext: return filepath.rsplit(ext, 1)[0] else: return filepath